Did you know that Indonesia has the one of the most beautiful underwater paradise on earth? Underwater paradise knew as the Wakatobi National Park is located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Wakatobi is the capital of Wangi-Wangi.
Wakatobi consists of four major islands, namely Wangiwangi, Kalidupa, Tomia, and Binongko. So, Wakatobi is an acronym for the name of the four main islands. Before December 18, 2003, these islands are called Junior Iron Islands and is still a part of Buton.
Astronomically, Wakatobi located south of the equator, and like other regions in Indonesia, Wakatobi has the two seasons, rainy and dry seasons. Wakatobi National Park established in 1996, with a total area of ??1.39 million hectares, involving marine biodiversity and coral which occupies one of the highest priority position of marine conservation in Indonesia.

The beauty and richness of the Wakatobi National Park is already well known abroad, especially after Wallacea expedition from England in 1995 which mentions that the region of Southeast Sulawesi is very rich in coral species.
There, there are 750 of the total 850 species of coral in the world. Configuring the depth varies from flat to sloping to the sea, and in some areas there are bertubir steep waters. The deepest waters reaching 1044 meters.
Marine tourism is a tourist activity has long been recognized and is the mainstay of tourism in the Wakatobi National Park. The wealth of marine life is not because coral reefs along the vast waters of the underwater topography colorful as slop shape, flat, drop-off, atoll and underwater cave.
Astronomically, Wakatobi located south of the equator, and like other regions in Indonesia, Wakatobi has the two seasons, rainy and dry seasons. Wakatobi National Park established in 1996, with a total area of ??1.39 million hectares, involving marine biodiversity and coral which occupies one of the highest priority position of marine conservation in Indonesia.

The beauty and richness of the Wakatobi National Park is already well known abroad, especially after Wallacea expedition from England in 1995 which mentions that the region of Southeast Sulawesi is very rich in coral species.
There, there are 750 of the total 850 species of coral in the world. Configuring the depth varies from flat to sloping to the sea, and in some areas there are bertubir steep waters. The deepest waters reaching 1044 meters.
Marine tourism is a tourist activity has long been recognized and is the mainstay of tourism in the Wakatobi National Park. The wealth of marine life is not because coral reefs along the vast waters of the underwater topography colorful as slop shape, flat, drop-off, atoll and underwater cave.

More than 112 species of corals from 13 families including Acropora formosa, A. Hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata, Sarcophyton throchelliophorum who live in harmony with other underwater inhabitants.

Fish species richness national park is owned by 93 species of fish including (Cephalopholus argus), takhasang (Naso unicornis), pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus), red fish (Lutjanus biguttatus), rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) , Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and others.
Wakatobi National Park is also a point of some kind of sea birds such as goose-brown stone (Sula leucogaster plotus), Malay plover (Charadrius peronii) and King Prawn Eurasia (Alcedo atthis) nested.

Several species of turtles also make this park their home as hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), and fission turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).
Wakatobi waters have loyal guests who make Wakatobi waters as a playground, a guest was none other than the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Normally, sperm whales are in Wakatobi in November, while the other hemisphere freezes. In the relatively warmer waters of Wakatobi and abundant feed the whales could be filling the stomach.
Not only that Wakatobi is also a place to play manta rays (Manta ray) were classified as giant body size. Manta is one of the distinctive and unique fish, which is only found in tropical waters.
The presence of 25 pieces of coral reef and depth that makes the waters ideal Park Authority ideal place for various species of marine life to live, make the inhabitants of the sea here has aesthetic value and high conservation.

Specifically Park Authority surrounded coast of coral islands along the 600 miles along the beach attractions with huge potential to run, spread throughout the Wakatobi region. So it was not without reason that the beach area in Wakatobi is perfect for sightseeing as diving, snorkeling, swimming and fishing.
Source Article : Here
Source Picture : Here
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