Indonesia should be proud of the uniqueness and richness of nature and tradition masayarakatnya. One is Carstensz Pyramid or commonly referred to as peak jaya, also in Papua. If you are a true adventurer would not have missed this glorious adventure at the peak, the Carstensz Peak is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania. Why not in Asia? Because of Asia's highest peak Mount Everest was held by existing on the border of India and China, Carstensz Pyramid Peak has altitude 4884 m above sea level (16,023 ft). Location is at the coordinates 04 ° 04 733 S and E 137 ° 09 572. Carstensz Pyramid, or Puncak Jaya called by some people, and Puncak Jaya Jaya Kesuma or mentioned only Kesuma by others, located in the west central highland called a Sudirman Jayawijaya and mountains. And the only tropical glaciers in Indonesia, which most likely will soon disappear due to global warming.

Cartensz name is taken from the inventor of a Dutch sailor, John Carstensz, who witnessed the peak of the mountain is covered by ice at the equator. In 1623 Carstensz preach the snow mountain on the equator, but no one believes her statement was. John Carstensz is the first European summit Cartensz witnessed with his own eyes.
Source Article : http://cloud.papua.go.id/id/pariwisata/alam/Pages/Keindahan-Alam-Cartenz-Pyramid-Papua-di-Indonesia-.aspx
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